Makes 6 – 8 small individual cakes
¾ cup of pitted dates
1.5 cups cashew kernels (un salted)
6 tbsp. desiccated coconuts (or shredded)
½ cup natural walnuts
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 tbsp. maple syrup
1 cup organic coconut milk
1 cup frozen OOB organic mango
½ lime, juiced
- Boil water and soak cashews for 15 minutes.
- Boil water and soak dates for 5 minutes before draining.
- In a strong food processor, add drained dates, walnuts, 3 tbsp. of maple syrup and 3 tbsp. of desiccated coconut.
- Blend until a chunky, but sticky paste.
- Spray a muffin tin with coconut oil to ensure nothing sticks. I used a silicone muffin tin so its super easy to pop out.
- Using around 1 tablespoon of mixture, press firmly down on the bottom of the tin to form a base. Set aside.
- Wash and clean food processor, ready for the next round of use.
- In the food processor, add cashews, 3 tbsp. of maple syrup, coconut milk and the remaining desiccated coconut.
- Blend until a SMOOTH consistency, this make take up to 10 minutes. The smoother the better, you don’t want a grainy mixture.
- Add the mango in after 5-7 minutes and continue to blend until super smooth.
- Once smooth, fill the remaining space in the muffin tin to the top.
- Freeze overnight with cling wrap and remove 30 minutes before serving.
- Serve with another dash of desiccated coconut and some more mango!