In the winter time (aus!) it gets cold, gloomy and us aussies are not about it! Sometimes, it feels like our goals are a little further out of reach because we’re hitting snooze in the cool mornings or we get too cozy come dinner time (guilty haha!).
BUT - Here we are and READY TO CHALLENGE! It’s one of my favorite things to do because the community runs together, and they truly bond over goals, PB’s in the gym, delicious ways they’ve made their food fun and everything in between, which is why it makes me so happy.
So…. What’s the challenge?
The BARE Challenge is here to give you a little spark in your routine, to start something new and to challenge yourself into building new, healthy habits that will last a lifetime. The challenge is to smash your goals in whatever they may be, for 8 weeks. We’ve chosen 8 weeks because that's what the community wanted! A longer, more in depth challenge than last. The challenge is to eat BARE, progress in your goals and strive towards becoming a better version of you over the 8 week period.
To join in on our BARE Guide 8 Week Challenge, all you have to do is purchase a BARE Guide. There is nothing else you need to do other than sit tight....and wait for the fun! If you do have facebook, I truly recommend joining the facebook group (linked here!) so that you can join in on the daily fun tasks.
Our BARE 8 Week Challenge will start on Monday the 1st of August and run until Sunday the 25th of september 2022.
What Prizes Are There?
The prizes will be done a little differently this time around, we will have 4 x BARE Champions who will have the opportunity to win $500 each. We will also have some weekly winners who we think are amazing, and we 'll have opportunities to pick prizes from Yes Please Health or Soli Sleep!
How Do You Pick A Winner?
These winners will be women who are living & breathing the BARE healthy eating lifestyle over the 8 week period. As the BARE 8 Week Challenge is about YOUR goals around mental, emotional and physical health and nutrition, we will be judging the winners with a range of factors set out below.
1. Support, community contribution and active members
The BARE community is an incredible place for support, and we’d love to be able to see you asking, sharing and inspiring others on your journey within the BARE Guide Facebook community group. If you don’t have Facebook this is okay - We’d love to see support on your other social media profiles. As a base, we’d love to see that you’re a positive and active member of the BARE Guide community and are smashing through your goals, supporting and inspiring women all around you.
2. Social Media Activity
We of course need to be able to see you! Being active could be posting on Instagram, or just commenting or engaging with others in our community facebook group. Remember to tag @leahitsines & @bareguide so we see it, sharing your creations on Facebook and with the FB group community, engaging on the BARE Guide & Leah's Instagram posts and overall being active on social media.
This one requires your profile to be on PUBLIC so we can see. Leah can't see if your stories are private. (This isn't a necessary one, but just to note we can't see private accounts).
3. Goal Progress
We’d love to be able to see your progress. Of course everyone has their own goals so we want to take ALL types of tracked goals into consideration. Your progress could relate to how many dress sizes you've gone down, how many CM you've lost off, or something like how much better you feel mentally & emotionally (ANY PROGRESS!).
How Do You Participate In This Challenge?
The BARE 8 Week Challenge isn’t for a specific guide, it’s for ANY BARE Guide that you own, whether that's BARE Regular, Vegetarian or BARE Lean. The BARE Lean members will have access to the dashboard, which will be easier to use for progress measuring, which helps when working towards their goals - This isn't necessary, but still great to have! All you need to do is register using the button below :)
Register HERE!
When Does The Challenge Start & End?
The BARE 6 Week Challenge will start on Monday the 10th of May and run until Sunday the 20th of June, however, you can join at any time from today onwards.
What Do I Have To Do For The Challenge?
The BARE 6 Week Challenge is designed so you can eat from your BARE Guide & smash your goals over the next 6 weeks. This is designed to support your goals and help you strive towards being a better version of you.
Do I Get Any Additional Content During The Challenge?
Lucky you.. You'll receive the below during the duration of the BARE 8 Week Challenge
- A WEEKLY Printable Planner & Habit Tracker
- Group fun! Daily challenges, weekly challenges, movement goals and extra support!
How Do I Sign Up?
To sign up all you have to do is purchase either the BARE Lean, Regular or Vegetarian Guide. If you already have these guide's and you would like to join, PLEASE REGISTER!
Please note, it'll be easier if you have BARE Lean to track progress with our inbuilt dashboard, however, any BARE Guide is fine.
I'm super excited & I can't wait to SMASH our goals together as an amazing community.
What are you waiting for?!
Start Your BARE Lean Journey Today!