My Top 12 Meal Prep Sunday Tips
on July 11, 2019

My Top 12 Meal Prep Sunday Tips

 Are you sick and tired of spending endless time in the kitchen each night? Now you don't have to.. With these meal prep tips and tricks you'll be more organised than ever and spending less time each week in the kitchen!

1. First and foremost, I recommend using one of my example meal planners OR plan out your meals for the week using my blank BARE Guide weekly planner templates. This allows you to clearly see which recipes you need to shop and meal prep for. Tip: I recommend meal prepping for three days at a time. For example, I’ll meal prep my Monday - Wednesday meals on a Sunday.

2. Next up, fill in your shopping list. I also recommend checking your pantry staples at this point and adding anything that needs restocking to your shopping list.

3. After you’ve gone shopping, it’s time to get your kitchen ready for cooking. Make sure your surfaces are clean and your equipment is on hand, including knives, pans and measuring utensils.

4. Ensure you have a couple of tea towels nearby, as well as the bin, so you can clean as you go – there’s nothing worse than a messy kitchen! (This is me trying to pretend I’m a clean cook...I’m not! My kitchen is always a mess, haha!) Also, where you can try and use a recycling/ compost bin.

5. Get out all your ingredients, including seasonings, and group them together for each recipe.

6. Put on a podcast, music or even your favourite movie. Whatever you need to enjoy the next hour or so. My favourite is Dr. Phil or Judge Judy!

7. Now it’s time to start cooking. I recommend starting with your meats/proteins or anything that needs marinating or cooking in the oven. While you wait for these ingredients to marinate or cook, you can use the time to get started with other ingredients.

8. Next, I focus on cooking my grains! For example, I’ll start cooking my rice, quinoa, or pasta now. This will make your assembly process quick and easy at the end.

9. While I’m waiting for my meats and grains to cook, I’ll start on the quick and easy recipes. These are typically your snacks or breakfasts! As these foods are usually really simple, quick and easy they allow you to feel a sense of achievement to finish off your meal prep.

10. Next, I focus on any additional ingredients I need to prepare. For example, vegetables because these won’t take long to cook!

11. Next, I’ll assemble all of my meals together! Make sure to let them sit to cool before covering with a lid and place in the fridge/freezer.

12. Lastly, clean your kitchen..(worst part haha)!

I hope this method helps minimise your time in the kitchen and allows you to efficiently meal prep each week!

Leah xx

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